Saturday, May 23, 2009

swine flu also affect football

Fact that the purpose of the 'swine flu' pandemic flu to call off the middle of the world, according to the World Animal Health Organization or Oie is mistaken. For this new virus strain is a combination of a bird virus, human and pig.

Be Oie, this pathogen is not a virus but the virus of human classic characteristics that include a component of the virus avian (bird), pigs and humans.

"The virus was not isolated until now in the animals. Therefore, it is not properly designate the disease of swine influenza," the agency statement of animal health bermarkas in Paris, France is reported as AFP, Selasa (28/4/2009).

Added OIE, science, science will show whether the virus is circulating between the livestock and the results will determine whether countries have acted properly prohibit the import of swine.

Back OIE, human flu epidemic in the past that come from animals have been named according to geographical origin, such as the Spanish flu. "It is logical to call this disease 'influenza North America," Oie origin.

In an interview with AFP, the Director General Bernard Vallat Oie states there is no evidence that swine flu virus is actually derived from animals and pigs.

"Yet there is evidence that this virus, currently circulating among humans, actually comes from animals. There is no element to support this," Vallat firm.

Added Vallat, it is not fair to punish the pig breeder who put out their life's business, discuss the risks that have not been proven at all. Moreover, according to him, so far no one can show how or where the strain of virus was new.

WHY only in Mexico ..? Swine flu had started to spread all over the world. However, outside of Mexico, this new type of virus does not kill. Why only in Mexico this virus to kill people?

"The main questions is why so far only death occurred in Mexico, although not many in number? Why are other countries in the light infection?" so write Reuters, Tuesday (29/4/2009).

Far in Mexico has occurred 26 cases of the disease is caused by the H1N1 virus. Mexican authorities claim the virus has killed 149 people, but except for 7 cases of death, the rest is still investigation.

Overall, the WHO confirmed 79 cases receiving the swine flu ascertained. In them there are 40 in the U.S., 26 Mexico, Canada 6, 2 Spanish, English 2, and 3 New Zealand. With the exception of Mexico, the cases in other places does not result in death.

Currently more than 15 WHO epidemiology expert has to be Mexican government to help overcome the spread of disease. They help collect new data to ensure the virus in the sample test to identify the disease more recently.

Definitive with the outbreak of swine flu, Mexican origin Arsenal striker Carlos Vela was told not to attend the training sessions in which the Premier League club that is concerned with the outbreak of swine flu that has been eating the victim.

Vela, 20 years old, or are not going to Mexico of late. However, he gets visits from his friends last week and after a series of tests as a precaution.

Players who have appear 12 times for The Gunner this season but that could accompany his team against Manchester United, fight in the first leg Champions League semifinal at Old Trafford Stadium, Wednesday (29 / 4).

"He was not released for the exercise. I have to remain at home and not allowed to practice. Meksikonya friends mengunjunginya last weekHealth Fitness Articles," he said.

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